My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Violet, Violet, Violet... Sometimes the main character is so exhausting! A lot of the time that exasperation helps build a bond between them and the reader, this time it infuriated the reader. I can't pinpoint the difference in Violet's vulnerabilities compared to similar characters but what I know is the parts of the plot I should have been focused on fell into the melee. I can't get past a disconnect with a character like that and it's a damn shame because that part that, for me, faded to white noise was really good!
Dead End Girl had all the murder, mayhem, tension, drama, and darkness I fawn over in this genre. I imagine any reader who can stand Violet will be all over this series. Vargas has a flair for this type of fiction and as soon as I find a main character I don't wish for the demise of, I'll be all over it!
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