My rating: 3 of 5 stars
A fantasy world I can fall into.
I'm normally not the girl who would entertain the fantasy/romance book with a half naked, sword wielding Adonis on the cover. Save your 'don't judge a book by it's cover' chiding, I get it, I'm just being honest here. I'm glad I went against my first instinct this time. The romance is steamy, the action is thrilling, and the Unseen Realm is a supernatural world I wouldn't mind returning to.
The Mortal Falls is the first book in the series.I find that many books that are written with sequels in mind tend to spend too much time setting the stage and cementing character attributes in the beginning. Thankfully Durand knows how to avoid this annoying issue. From the first paragraph the reader feels and experiences the setting rather than having it painfully described. You meet and get to know the characters rather than having them spoon fed to you and told exactly how to feel about them.
I am a character focused reader so I have to focus there. In my opinion, Lindsey's juvenile thoughts and reactions are irritating but what can you expect from a 32 year old virgin? *insert eye roll emoji* Even that aspect I got past because at least her character stays consistent throughout the book. I appreciate the consistency, good or bad. She's funny at times, too, in an acidic, biting way that I admire.
Nevan is our Hero. He's a pretty boy, sweet, protective, blah blah blah... Too good to be true. Well, I think too good to be true pretty boys are boring, even supernatural ones. However, once I remind myself that Lindsey isn't me and I accept the story as it's written, I can totally get behind Nevan.
I loved Travis from the beginning. I think I was supposed to hate him but I have a thing for cops so maybe that's it. His flip floppy stance on Lindsey got tiresome and his hokey Texas sayings definitely knocked points off his hotness factor.
I could go through all of the characters but that would get boring. Just suffice it to say that this character focused reader was not disappointed.
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