My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Luna Miller is the author of the novella, Three Days in September. Gabriel is a painter who seems to have lost his will to paint. To get back on track he loads up his car and drives to an isolated cabin to hunker down until he gets his groove back. Enter several locals that Gabriel interacts with and the stage is set for a long weekend with an uncertain outcome.
There are seven 'main characters' and so many in a novella is a bit much to keep up with easily. That restrictive length also denies the time to fully develop these characters. Instead, the author is forced to tell the reader their personalities rather than the more fulfilling option of letting each character reveal themselves. This story could be so much better with some more length, character development, a more streamlined plot structure, and a good editor/proofreader.
It is worth noting that there are several incredibly vivid sex scenes in this story, including rape. I think triggers like that should be announced so that people who cannot handle it don't get blindsided.
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