My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The One Things by Dr. C. Todd Fetter is an illustrated children's book that should be shelved firmly in the Christian category. The book is about a devoted and beloved "Grandpa" figure to the children of a local school. He tells them tales of his adventures as a missionary and the kids soak up his stories with rapt attention. A lifelong bachelor with no family, he becomes ill and is in the hospital. When the children find out, as you can imagine, they are devastated but determined to visit him. From there it's no surprise that Grandpa takes the opportunity to teach each child a holy lesson via a bible story. It's all very prim and proper and Christian. As that genre of book, it is very well done. The illustrations are colorful and lively, each character is perfectly suited for each role they play in the story and it is well written. I have found that writing as much dialogue as is in this book correctly is difficult for some authors. Dr Fetter has no such troubles. I think this will be a popular book in Christian circles.
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