My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Tana French is quickly becoming a Harlan Coben in that I can snatch up any book with her name on it and be pretty certain I'm going to like it. Now considering this in only my second French novel, it makes that first statement kind of a big deal.
The Trespasser is a solid police procedural written with a grace uncommon in the genre. The flowery prose doesn't dampen the horror of the crimes, if anything, the horror is highlighted against it. This would be a novel to gently ease a gore-sensitive reader into this type of crime fiction because yes, it is absolutely bloody and violent but the language which paints the picture is beautiful enough you almost don't notice.
All of the characters fit their role perfectly, with just the right information given out at a time. Main characters, secondary and even the swiftly mentioned "extras" have their precise place in the narrative and that is a delicate balance to achieve.
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