My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Amaryllis is a young adult, fantasy, paranormal romance novel written by author Alyssa Adamson. It tells the teenage love story of Eden and Phil and one thing this book is not is bubbly or cutesy. Malevolence abounds and let me just say the ending doesn't leave an opening for a sequel; at least not involving the relationship between these two characters. Also, you're probably going to ugly cry a little and if a happy ever after is a requirement for your romances, you might want to consider Twilight, as the two stories share similar aspects.
Adamson is clearly a talented writer. Her characters are fully fleshed, dialogue is well done and believable, and her plot flows effortlessly throughout - fast paced or meandering perfectly, depending on what the scene demands. The heart of the book being the romance between these teenagers was written just as well as has been done by much more experienced authors. It can be difficult to make romance age appropriate and realistic and many have failed. This author nailed it.
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