My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Tom and Jenna Edwards are Amazon's pet technical writers and for good reason. This user guide begins with admitting that none of this is new or even elusive information, only that it has been culled from websites and product inserts far and wide and presented here in this simple, singular place. I appreciate a healthy dose of honesty in a technical manual.
As an Alexa owner (or does she own me now?) I can attest to some of the quirks she has and how frustrating they can be. It only seems reasonable to assume that the Echo and Echo Plus would follow suit. I'm anxiously awaiting the Edwards summation on getting Alexa to understand the words I say even the third time I say them to her. Hint, hint.
Here is a straightforward, plain language handbook to help even the most technically impotent user master Amazon's Echo Plus. The time savings this provides by eliminating hours and hours scouring the internet for this information alone is worth the price.
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