My rating: 4 of 5 stars
At first glance, The Piketty Problem appears to be a book geared toward children simply by cover image and the title including the phrase 'the robots are coming, the robots are coming". It most definitely is not that and furthermore, on the surface, it borders on non-fiction thinly veiled as fiction, an alternate reality, if you will. I by no stretch of the imagination mean any of that in a negative way. In fact I found it to be the best type of political satire; that which makes you think. Garth Hallberg nailed it perfectly here.
We're all living in a world where Donald Trump is president. However you feel about that fact, you have to admit it is a scenario few truly thought would come to fruition. In The Piketty Problem, Hallberg provides us with another scenario most of us aren't conscious of being on the verge of reality, robots replacing humans in the workforce and all that might entail. The story is propelled by characters who seem to be black and white good and bad guys until you realize it's not as cut and dry as it first seemed. Witty dialogue and a smooth flowing plot line makes for an easy, enjoyable read. By the end of the book, you just might not be as so confidant in your convictions as you were on page one.
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