My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The Chemist: A Cale Van Waring Adventure
by Janson Mancheski
Okay, that opening scene? Brutal. The rest of the book, also a little brutal, though in other ways. These characters felt brutally one dimensional - but somehow it worked here. Several aspects of the plot were brutally unrealistic - and yes, I know, its fiction and therefore all unrealistic but 'super criminals' in novels don't work for me any more than 'super cops' do. No one can pull all of that off that flawlessly.
The Chemist is a rather long novel, weighing in at 479 pages. I am usually the one complaining a book isn't long enough so I have no complaint here but people do love their 'quick reads'.
Somehow all of those negatives came together to form a pretty taut thriller that I didn't hate and would probably recommend to select friends.
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