My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Though action/espionage and terrorism type thrillers are not my go to fiction genre, I gave Shattered Shield the good old college try, I really did. This is book one of the Cole Cameron Thriller Series by Camden Mays. Mays created a fairly realistic plot, characters readers could invest in and managed to write dialogue in an organic manner that is difficult for some writers. What I'm saying is, the negative I am about to expound on is not due to an untalented author.
First, as I stated before, try as I might, I can't seem to get 'there' with this type of novel, this subject matter. Perhaps it's because of the saturation of terrorism headlines and fear in today's day to day life. I guess I don't want it in my fiction, where I go for entertainment, relaxation, comfort, etc...
My other gripe is becoming redundant recently and I'm sorry but there are rules for commas and all punctuation, in fact, they aren't just sprinkled in all willy nilly. There is a difference in their, they're, and there and spellcheck isn't going to find those so I suggest hiring someone from a nifty profession called editing.
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