My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Restore Your Rest: Solutions for TMJ and Sleep Disorders
I am a person who had never dealt with sleep issues or slept with anyone who had to deal with them. Then I met my husband and everyone within 100 feet of our house of us was suddenly dealing with it. Finally, after months of what seemed like next to zero rest, his doctor ordered him to have sleep study done and eventually they settled on a series of treatments. It was in preparation for and delving into the results that we found out how detrimental the effects of not sleeping well can be on a human body. Even simple 'benign' snoring is not so benign. In Dr. Krish's brief but highly informative book on the subject, the reader gets a crash course in TMJ, sleep disorders, symptoms and methods of treatment.
I, like many other readers, have to comment on the editing, or lack thereof. Being an editor myself and knowing how high the competition for editing work is, I see no reason for a book to go to publication in this condition. We are out there, USE US!
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