My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Ex-Acute: A Former Hospital CEO Tells All on What’s Wrong with American Healthcare. Listen, if you need this information, this is a great book to help you find your way. But don't say I didn't warn you that it will, or at least SHOULD, infuriate you. The United States healthcare system is beyond dysfunctional and not that it will come as a shock to anyone who is mildly paying attention, the patients are the ones who suffer. From insurance resolution nightmares to knowing who to see, when, and for what, Ex-Acute delves into most of the healthcare subjects we have all struggled with at one time or another, though rather shallowly, in my opinion. One cannot properly maneuver the colossal catastrophe that this subject really is in 176 pages. This is not even the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Hospital administrators as a whole aren't widely known for their compassion or sense of duty in the face of humanity. Dr Luke, redeemed the position somewhat by providing this information to the public and with his work as a leader in healthcare reform. Getting his personal story helped soften me up because I came in dubious to say the least.
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