My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Quantum: Computing Nouveau: The Technological Step Change That Could Foster Scientific Discovery, Break Blockchains, and Trigger a Global Cybersecurity Arms Race... Mylanta, that's a mouthful of title! I mean I'm a wordie but dang. And by wordie, I mean I'm into books not tech. I leave that to my cyber security expert husband and he is the one I turned to to tell me 1, what is right here and 2, what is wrong?
This is his conclusion; Technically speaking (no pun intended) the information is correct and explained to you mere mortals pretty succinctly. That's not easy with this kind of specialized subject matter, it's complex to the Nth degree, and this guy nailed it. What's wrong isn't something he really got wrong per se, I just think that the predictions are much too concrete. The way technology evolves isn't always predictable and this aspect especially shouldn't be underestimated. Still, this book is full of good information and all tech appreciate a well informed public.
So there you have it, from my very own personal expert, this is a good tech book on this subject.
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