My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The thing that stayed with me from this book is "know yourself". In Peak Performance!!, Alan Sullivan teaches the reader both that they should accept themselves, flaws and all, and that personal improvement is well within our grasp. That acceptance of ourselves does not mean overlooking improvements to be made. The reader gets a real sense of what it means to bare yourself and expose limitations that he or she are probably mostly unaware of. Social, spiritual, and even self-imposed constraints that have been in our own way all along are discussed along with steps that can be taken to remove the most burdensome from our lives completely. There is talk of Eastern vs Western ideals without coming down negatively on either one.
Peak Performance!! is written in layman's terms about themes in this genre in a way that doesn't turn off those readers who aren't immersed in self-help and spiritualism. That may not seem like such a big deal but for me, it it. There's nothing I loathe more than to feel I'm being talked down to when I've taken the uncomfortable action of reaching for a self-help book.
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