My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Initially, I thought Dolphins Don't Run Marathons was going to be some cute Mama Llama type book. It is really isn't, though it sorta is. Let me explain. The byline is "26.2 loving thoughts on why you should not run a marathon" and that seemingly silliness plus the graphics on the cover tend to color this a children's book but the message inside gets a tad more complicated. Though this entire book is written in a simple, child-like language prose via vignettes, I really didn't get it overall and I don't see any kid I know being over the moon about it. Neither can I see my adult friends really getting it. Even the runners among us.
If I'm getting it right, the author is saying people are either ants, dolphins or chimps and we live our lives as we would run a marathon, or not run a marathon, as the case may be. I'm not sure if I should be insulted or proud right now... I feel like I need some clarification or validation or something!
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