My rating: 3 of 5 stars
When the opening paragraph of Power: The Success Mantra included the phrase "I'm a twenty-four year old entrepreneur and book launch manager". I may or may not have rolled my eyes. I mean I don't read romances starring twenty-somethings because I literally can't take the subject matter seriously through the eyes of someone that young. From that very perspective came the eye-roll. Then I had to remind myself... Zuckerberg, you judgmental heifer! Vikrant Shaurya is young but he's also very talented and obviously someone who wants to share the secrets of his success rather than hoarding them and hoping no one ever comes along to challenge those accomplishments.
The book is written clearly and in common terms rather than going the jargon heavy route for effect . Personal examples of whatever skill he is showcasing at any given time bring this business, money and small business informational text to life. This is a prime example of a book that is actually helpful and entertaining.
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