My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reading the summary for We Are Voulhire, I was not expecting to really be that impressed, to be honest. First, being listed as Teenager/Young Adult was a strike against the chances of this being something for me, personally. Also, based on the summary, I expect the time period to be at least a couple hundred years ago but the cover of the book shows a kid in a hoodie and cargo pants looking out over what appears to be a modern city. I went in confused and remained that way regarding the time period before finally deciding that lanterns, ships, and monarchies put Voulhire in the 'way back when'.
Now, after that lackluster intro, surprise! Turns out this is much more than it seems initially. The struggle for a throne, brother against brother, treachery in a dangerous world full of dangerous people... how can you not be enthralled? I think Matthew Tyzs wrote a fantastic fantasy with We Are Voulhire: A New Arrival Under Great Skies and I hope to get ahold of the next installment soon.
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